A delicious, glazed, doughnut-hole snack treat manufactured by the Entenmann's company. Also available in powdered.
Upon the realization that no one will allow a middle-aged, comic book reading, stoner freak who lives in his parents basement as the franchise manager to the leading bacon, marshmallow, and cheese milkshake manufacturing company run by large breasted Asian prostitutes in the standard issue uniform of wet t-shirts, g-strings, and stiletto heels, I crumbled into a metaphorical cocoon of unceasing apathy and soul crushing defeat as I watched my bootleg DVD of Krull, wept, and fantasized, once more, about taking a nail gun and going to town on the patrons of the local Blimpies...and eating Pop 'ems!
by Razorglove February 5, 2010
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When a guy gets a boner very quickly. It's not a full boner, just a quick partially hard one.
Me: Dude when our teacher Ms. Bag walked in i got a Pop Em'
Eddy: Nice one man! I did too!
by dj189 August 24, 2010
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to act as if you are a potential boyfriend/girlfriend JUST to have sex with them... then never talking to them again.
"i don't know what to do, zach... i dont LIKE them, i just want to FUCK them..."
"dude... just pop 'em and drop 'em"
"haha dudee.... i will... CHER! we need your help!"

cher: "i'm on my way..."
by zbj May 26, 2007
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The act of a woman pulling out her brests and pushing them together.
Toby: Man, you think she'll show us her boobs?

Kyler: Dude, i bet she'll flop em' n pop em' for us!!
by nate doggzs November 20, 2010
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