(n) "N-teh-minz"

Delicious pastries commonly found in display cases at the end of the aisle.
"It's an Entenmann's."
"Do they have a castle at Windsor?"
"No, they have a display case at the end of the aisle."
by jbling January 7, 2010
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A company which creates tasty treats for all to eat
Damn I'd love me some Entenmann's right now.
by umpaloompa March 12, 2006
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Ast mine teethe dun sunk into zee entenmann's paisshtry, i gud feel mine arteries clogging delightfully
by katanza February 15, 2012
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A legendary boy, of epic proportions. He harnesses the power of god. He is the proud owner of 50000000 0000000000 carbon atoms.
Bob: Hey, did you hear Austin Entenmann conquered chungusania?
Josh: KEplar JSi 2039920, hi
by MAsMAsYEt April 16, 2019
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