1. For a woman, a dick in a glass case - use only in case of emergency.

2. For a man, a woman who you haven't fucked yet.
"For a man, a plutonic friend is a woman you was tryin' to fuck, made a wrong turn somewhere, and ended up in the 'friend-zone'. Oh no! I'm in the friend-zone!"--Chris Rock
by 'sup P December 13, 2004
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A relationship that creates great wealth, allowing both members to become plutocrats.
My cofounder and I just broke $10/million monthly in sales. We have a great plutonic relationship.
by jkoppel September 7, 2022
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It's like when you with your friends and you hold hands, and cuddle and even to the point kiss and it's like whatever you're friends and if they're cool with it and you are then so be it, there's nothing romantic about it, it's just there.
Like if I were to be holding hands with my sister, I wouldn't care because I know im straight and I am not romantically in love with her. It's not weird, I just want to do that because she's my sister and I will do so because I fucking can, I have a Plutonic Love to her.
by Whycuzwhy February 23, 2014
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acid that can burn YOUR FACE OFF PUNK!!
let me throw some of this plutonic acid on yo face perry ko.
by Mukz October 30, 2008
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Love for a friend that is neither romantic or sexual, like love for a family member.
Tom: Did you just tell him you loved him?

Bob: Yeah it’s plutonic love, I’ve known my whole life.


Stacy: Bye girl love you!!!

Lucy: Love you too girl!! See you Tuesday!!!
by July 19, 2018
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"Pl~U~tonic" is often mistaken for "pl~A~tonic" whereby respective individuals are attracted but conscientiously abstain from sex.
Sooo ironically, a "Pl~U~tonic" relationship is one whereby the respective individuals shag each other crazy until too sore to continue!?!

Perfect examples of a "Pl~U~tonic" relationship are:

- when a couple meet, share Acorn coffee & are respectively topless & pantless in bed within 30 mins, soon massaging, then kissing & after passing out wake with her hands on his erect penis & proceed to fuck immediately

- directly after drinking too many milk based beverages & gorging respectively on steak & pancakes, the female follows the male home, clothes are magically but fortuitously removed & they fuck immediately; OR where the female proceeds directly to their own home but cannot shake the building desires that engross her every thought & eventually (within 48 hours is acceptable) invites the male over for Acorn coffee but really has the single, overwhelming need to fuck immediately, which of course happens in her "Princess & the Pea" 3 mattress bed

Generally, where a woman uses the word "Pl~U~tonic" it is purposeful & done so to basically advise the male "yeah, I'm dying to fuck the 'friend' out of you, lets lock it in for sometime soon though, OK!"

The word "Pl~U~tonic" is NEVER used by males except where referring to a situation where a female has used the word towards him...
Female (usually smoking hot & gagging for it!): "Let's not have sex & be "Plutonic (ploo-tonn-ick)" friends, OK"
Male: (says) "OK"
Male: (thinks) "I read ya 110%, you're not gonna shag my brains out (say) in my car while I drive around pretending to not find your car, but definitely soon"
by Captain Plutonic May 1, 2013
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When your platonic friend gives you a blow job and its the better than you anything you could imagine. You never knew blow jobs that good were out in the universe, and you doubted they really exist, much like the planet Pluto.
JB: Damn, I got a plutonic blow job the other day from Emily, it was fucking amazing!
Alex: You're so lucky, bro!
by ohheykittykitty July 24, 2019
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