
Noun: The small boob-like fat that overwieght women get right between their arm pits and titties. Also, known as "pit titties".
Friend 1: What about this shirt?
Friend 2: You should not wear that tank top.
Your pitties will show!
by MS KT December 10, 2009
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Plural form of arm pit minus the arm.
by Pauline78 September 5, 2019
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Slang(Pot Hed-Tih-Tees) - Term for Pothead titties. Original roots stem from self reflections and various Cheech and Chong images.

Also see Pot Titties, And P Ditties
"Damn! See that dude in the tanktop? He has some serious pitties man!"
by JBee May 6, 2004
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I adopted an adorable pittie from the shelter today.
by FayFieFoFum January 6, 2016
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A guy you wanna holler at. A pitty could be a good looking male, or a male you would like to get to know better. The male version of bitty. Bitty is for girls and pitty is for boys due to the fact they have a penis, which starts with the letter "P", Pitty.
"There's a pitty on the right"

"There's some pitties at this one bar, we should go"
by kags June 20, 2007
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Who lil pitty dis??
by Javon March 5, 2003
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When u have boobs growing out of ur pits.
"dude lafona has pitties"

"ewwww man break up with her!"
by respectful1 September 15, 2009
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