
A new way of saying Fresh, made in the streets of New York. The unofficial leader of the word is Dakhari Makhani who started using it in his underground clothing lines.
P1- Oh shit Asher Roth is mad Phresh

P2- True that
by NYC123 September 30, 2009
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flyer than the rest, fresh with emphasis, cool, the ultimate swag,
I just bought these new Jordans. Im about to step out phresh tonight.
by Phresh2Def July 12, 2008
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When any ugly or weird creature has a shirt, glasses, or hat.
Man 1: " woah i just put a hat on my phrog"
Man 2: "hes phresh"
by monkyphart July 30, 2020
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A word posers use in an attempt to sound cool.
Poser: I'm Phresh.
*person hits poser with large brick*
by No thank you. April 28, 2011
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The freshest of the fresh. Just like phat, but being so fresh your phresh. If you drive a G8, your phresh. If your name is Tarrant, your fuckin phresh. Baller status. Big pimpin.
Did you see how phresh Tarrant looked today in his ride?

Yeah dude Tarrant is phresh to deff.

Damn I'm lookin all kinds of phresh today I'm on point.
by Brennen R June 6, 2013
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Any Fresh Person From The PHillipines iS PHresh, Get It?
Yoo Ty Phresh.
by Young Phresh 91 October 19, 2009
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Phresh, better known as fresh, is an extremely douchey way of saying you are in style or cool.

People who say this usually wear something lame like a Hawaiian necklace.
Dude have you listened to this new Russ album? It’s totally Phresh.
by GeazerPleazer69 April 20, 2018
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