
Uncircumsized penis, that ranges from beyond the tip to midhead. But may vary in size, Usually large. But could result in a halfback.
"That boy Mike Mo. gotta peelback!!"
by Michael Gray April 24, 2008
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A lame ass dude , douche bag, or a Pisa from south of the border due to normally not being circumsized
Look at That guy Dave with his air Jesus’s hes such a peelback !
by Sigsauerp229sd April 2, 2022
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1. He's jewish, he probably doesn't have a peelback

by sysfan08 April 7, 2009
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When a girl peels back her labia so that the peestream doesn't get misdirected by the meatflaps. Can also be used to describe a male sliding back his turtleneck.
She made such a mess in the bathroom! Why didn't she do a peelback?
by ANZAC January 18, 2007
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A hot lesbian that you want to see more of (naked).
Look at her, what a peelback! I'm gonna bring her home tonight.
by Dyke SF August 22, 2008
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Yalea peelback

Yalea peelback when you smell a horrible smell coming from your partners vagina or anus while doing doggy style and your lips involuntarily peel back over your upper and lower teeth.
That slut smelled so bad it gave me a "Yalea peelback"
by Suckmysausage March 27, 2018
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