Uncircumsized penis, that ranges from beyond the tip to midhead. But may vary in size, Usually large. But could result in a halfback.
by Michael Gray April 24, 2008
A lame ass dude , douche bag, or a Pisa from south of the border due to normally not being circumsized
by Sigsauerp229sd April 2, 2022
by sysfan08 April 7, 2009
When a girl peels back her labia so that the peestream doesn't get misdirected by the meatflaps. Can also be used to describe a male sliding back his turtleneck.
by ANZAC January 18, 2007
by Dyke SF August 22, 2008
Yalea peelback when you smell a horrible smell coming from your partners vagina or anus while doing doggy style and your lips involuntarily peel back over your upper and lower teeth.
by Suckmysausage March 27, 2018