
When someone gets absolutely shut down/rekt
Person 1: "I've had sex plenty of times"
Person 2: "It doesn't count if it's with yourself"
Person 3: "Damn, son! You just got parred!"
by topbantz July 24, 2015
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On par

To be on the same level or understanding someone else.
Im totally on par with what you're saying.

Me and mike were on par While playing horse.
by RyanRebs February 12, 2018
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When something bad happens to you or your being ignored
Person 1: You just missed the bus!
Person 2: Thats a par!
by Im Jus Doin Me November 7, 2007
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A ghetto term often used as a synonym for insulting/offending. The word is commonly used by delinquents and is prevalent in the East end of London
Are you parring?

Hassam is parring Tyler.
by ivcoffeeplease February 2, 2015
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Slang. When a person is insulted or dissed it means they have been parred.
Richard: What time is it?
John: Time to fuck your mum.
Kenny: Eeey blud dat's a par!
by Downtown Wtf October 2, 2009
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Basically a diss. When someone disses you, they par you.
Guy: I bet your pussy has spots.
Guy 2: Ohhh you just got parred!


Girl: He doesn't like you. He says your hair is bad.
Girl 2: Ahh that's a par.
by newsensationxo October 5, 2009
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by theonlyandonlydababy March 31, 2021
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