
:Powerful:sexy as,fit, atracts guys/girls
Guy: did you see how hot the new girl is
Guy2: shes parful
by Meganlolly654 April 13, 2015
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It's means the say as boyed or shame

It's normally used in a sentence...
Boy1: I failed the math test

Boy2: Bruv, that's a par
by sbwild88 February 15, 2010
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Person 1: He said we should go to his house
Person 2: Kmt, That's a PAR man.
by MeeDotDizzle June 25, 2008
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another name for homeboy; short for partner.
I was walkin down the street and i saw my homeboy sos i said whats good par.
by almega86 July 12, 2005
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to par with someone means to hang around with them. for example you par with your close bredrins. who you associate yourself with.
" nah fam, last week i was parrin with those boys from N1"

"I par with my close friends and smoke weed"
by Lord Sinista October 28, 2005
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Sup mate! how are your pars?
by Trivald August 26, 2021
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