
When someone gets absolutely shut down/rekt
Person 1: "I've had sex plenty of times"
Person 2: "It doesn't count if it's with yourself"
Person 3: "Damn, son! You just got parred!"
by topbantz July 24, 2015
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To be parred.
To lose a bet from a seemingly impossible position or lose a bet in a bizarre manner.
Your horse is 10 lengths clear at the 100m and get's nailed on the line? You've been parred.
Your trotter holds on to win but then gets beaten on protest? You've been parred.
Your greyhound is charging down the outside but gets hit in the head by a duck? You've been parred.
by The Early Crow August 21, 2018
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A special type of roast for being an SJW. People who are Parred get triggered and upload a rant on twitter or Tumblr.
SJW: I got freaking parred we must destroy all men

SJW: right back at ya lets rant on some men.
by Yay-erz September 21, 2017
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Par Par

An extension of 'he doesn't know' but unable to do the pfft. Instead "Par Par" is all that is managed to be vocalised.
Adam: 'Hey Ed, did you know that Dan isn't in today?'

Ed: 'Oh, I didn't know'

Adam: 'Hey Lloyd, Pffft... Pffft... Ed didn't know!'

Lloyd: 'Par Par'
by wasi July 2, 2009
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When something happens to you that is considered by many to be an extremely rude breach of social standard. This includes getting dissed, getting slapped, being swiftly rejected by a girl you've been making advances on, when someone or something causes unnecessary hardship, or even being ignored my your mum. In short, it is getting demoralised. Hard.

The term was popularised by London rapper Tempa-T, with his song 'Next Hype'.

It is possible that Par is a derivative of the term Faux Pas, which in french literally means a 'False Step' against the established norm.
Ricky: Yo gal you lookin kinda nice tonight, mind if i get you a drink?
Girl: Errr...get out of my face, don't talk to me. I think you need some aquafresh as well, cos your breath is kickin! Dem trainers aint real either.
Ricky's mate: Ricky Bruv, you just got parred.


Ricky: Eh Mum! What you cookin' tonight? Smells taaassty!!!
(no response)
Ricky: Mum...Mum?! Ah allow it.
Ricky's mate: Ricky bruv, you just got parred, by your own mum.


Ricky: Ah allow it..
Ricky's mate: Par.

Ricky's mum: Ricky, go shops and get me a coke and some skittles. Maybe some skips as well. Fuck it, i'll right you a list.

Ricky: Where is it?

Ricky's mum: 'Bout half hour away, if you hop on a bus.
Ricky: Mum, i aint got money for the bus.

Ricky's mum: Walk then.

Ricky: Ah allow it, thats long
Ricky's mate: Ricky Bruv, you keep gettin' parred.
by RickyRankin' April 15, 2010
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On par

To be on the same level or understanding someone else.
Im totally on par with what you're saying.

Me and mike were on par While playing horse.
by RyanRebs February 12, 2018
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