The capability to obliterate and destroy with more force than required.
by Drew October 27, 2003
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Verb/ A term used in Final Fantasy X which means that you did a massive amount of to an enemy who had a smaller amount of life. In real life it can be used when someone kills a joke or tells a dead-on-arrival joke and tries to add to the joke to make it funny but ends up destroying it even more.
guy1: dude listen to this joke
guy2: k
(guy1 tells a bad joke)
guy2: that sucked
guy1: no, no, no you don't get it let me explain
(guy1 explains and throws in some extra stuff)
guy2: please dude don't overkill
by Shinji7676 February 14, 2009
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1.The term used in Halo 3 when four kills are achieved with under 4 seconds between each kill; a multi-kill. In Halo 3 a medal is awarded and "Overkill" is read in a dramatic tone.

2. Used when someone is caught the fourth time in a row doing something.

3. Over the top; extreme.
1. *Kills four people in halo 3 with 1 rocket* "OVERKILL!!!"

2. "Tony spit out the gum for the fourth time"

3. The atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima were overkill.
by HungAzn January 12, 2009
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In computer programming, overkill is referred to writing excessively more code than needed for a certain task. It can also mean writing up an endless function for which an already built-in one is available, and that the written one can even be less stable.
Foo wrote a 97 line function to calculate days between two dates when all he could have done (using php) is convert the Gregorian Dates to Julian Dates using built-in function GregorianToJD() and execute a simple subtraction, now that's overkill. This would reduce the code to 2-3 lines.
by neuroxik September 8, 2007
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Did you see the new Call of Duty game? Its like the 15th one to come out. Overkill.
by d_fresh_money June 4, 2010
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He left his house; he should have stayed
He went to work so he'd get paid
So he'd afford his brand new maid
Other things that make life great
He hopped a bus and then a train
Few more stops he'd have it made
But something happened on this day
That put this man into his grave
The train broke down he took a cab
He told the man to make it fast
They ran into a concrete slab
Then cries and screams for many times
He left the cab, walked down the street
There a person he did meet
Who thought his gun was pretty neat
And wanted to see someone bleed
Stumbling on for two more blocks
His body was in total shock
Punch in time was eight o'clock
He's hours late, so he'd be docked
Twenty feet from where he worked
He fell upon some teenage jerks
They took his cash then went berzerk
And killed the poor old office clerk
He should have stayed home
He should have stayed home
He should have stayed home

by Death Menace December 10, 2022
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1.Using somethingcool so much that it starts to get annoying.
2.Making something much serious/making something take longer than what it should.
Jill:Hey do you wanna go out?
Jonny:No, I'm busy.
Jill:Will you ever want to go out?
Jill:When will you be available?
by La Cho. July 22, 2009
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