181 definitions by Drew

word used to gain attention from someone by calling them a fatsquatch.

you. person. dude. hey you. you there. buddy.
hey fatsquatch, what are you doing?
by Drew September 13, 2004
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An exclaimation that something good has happened or is about to happen.

Synonym: Awesome, amazing...
That party was off the fucking hinges like stolen coats yo!

That DVD was stolen coats man.
by Drew October 22, 2004
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Short for whodie.
Means dude, bro, man.
Sup whodes?
Yo whodes, make me a sandwich.
by Drew February 17, 2004
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The code name when a certian hawaiin lady get's irratable and/or angry at two certain boys.
Oh, no, pukyfozithazmekwijibz, run!
by Drew June 21, 2004
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1) (Literal) To prepare a lunch meal for travel
2) (Slang) To be prepared for a long effort
3) (Slang) To wear a false penis, esp. a lesbian/bisexual woman
We're going up to the park for a picnic, I'm going to pack a lunch.
If he's going to tangle with me, he'd better pack a lunch.
At the lesbian bar, half the women were dressed as men and packing lunches.
by Drew January 29, 2006
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similar to the shocker squared, the lotus is a double-handed hybrid maneuver. the middle fingers finger the pussy, the pinkys finger the anus, and the index fingers play with the clit.
dude, did you hear about justin? he gave sam the lotus.
by Drew July 13, 2003
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