by Mental me 123 March 24, 2010
A loving term given to one's grandfather. Pop-Pop is the best grandparent you could ask for-loving, kind and doting. Pop-Pop will teach you about music, film, culture, and family values. Pop-Pop will force you to watch hours of boring family movies, and you will secretly love it! Pop-Pop will act is if he is very frugal, but is truly generous beyond belief! If you are blessed enough to have a Pop-Pop you are very lucky!
by ChaChaBueno July 27, 2009
Get the pop pop pop mug.
A term used for sexual intercourse coined from Fox's Arrested Development. First started on episode "Good Grief"
George Michael: I have Pop-Pop in the attic.
Michael: What? The mere fact that you call making love "pop pop" tells me you're not ready
Michael: What? The mere fact that you call making love "pop pop" tells me you're not ready
by neight ford August 13, 2007
by DoktorJ December 15, 2005
A cool man who has been around the block who is helpful and kind . He likes women with a lot of ass . He always has a game plan when it comes to giving good advice.
Yo pops was just playing with you with you when he came over because he wanted you to see what’s really up .
He was like a pops as he stood up and whistled at that lady who had that big butt and a smile .
He was like a pops as he stood up and whistled at that lady who had that big butt and a smile .
by Heyoka October 29, 2023
by Kelvo Da Great December 20, 2015