
by lioneldaplug August 18, 2018
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v. To poke, prod, or fingerprint someone else's belongings
Do not noche my car, you bunyock.
by jTitPitt November 11, 2007
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bella noches

A popular night club where you leave your guns in the car and your beef at that wedding to avoid upsetting someone and their homegirls or homeboys
If you can’t go to Bella noches where the hell could you go.
by Hazel London June 7, 2020
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Buenas noches

Spanish for "Good night" or "Good evening."

"Buenas noches" can be used as a greeting or a farewell. The singular, "Buena noche," is usually used only in farewells or to describe a night, e.g. "Hace una buena noche" (It's a nice night).

It literally means "Good nights." This may come from "Buenas noches nos dé Dios," translated as, "May God give us good nights."
Buenas noches! Cómo has estado?
(Good evening! How have you been?)

Buenas noches! Qué duermas con los angelitos!
(Good night! Sleep tight!) (Literally: Good night! May you dream with the little/precious angels!)

Quería desearte solo buenas noches y recordarte que en mi corazón siempre estas tu. Buenas noches, mi único amor.
(I would like to wish you only good nights and remind you that you'll always be in my heart. Good night, my one and only love.)
by Mama Jamama January 21, 2012
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Buenos Noches

According to Yung Miami, it is something said when you put ur partner to sleep after a sexual encounter.
Alex: Girl what happened?
Britney: I told his ass Buenos Noches
by NyNyL November 1, 2021
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tequilla noches

Yo can I get a lime? FUCK that we doin tequilla NOCHES!
by glutenFree4lyfe February 12, 2010
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Negro Noche

n. a term used for the blackest brother in a Spanish class
Michael: Yo, check out Mikey! That is the blackest Gangsta in Spanish class!
Joey: He is the Negro Noche!
Maddy: Fo sho!
by Boone's Farm September 30, 2005
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