
The 74th book of the Bible. Contains proverbs as to how a nigga can survive in the 21 century. Was made into a movie called “Straight Out’a Compton”.
“If she let her phone die, she playin. Bitches don’t let their phones die.”
-Niggalations 4:20
by TheDayoOfDeepFry September 10, 2018
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“If you can make her laugh and giggle you can make her cheeks clap and jiggle.” Niggalations 13:456
by YoungD24 April 16, 2020
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This is a book in Black Bible that speaks about nigga moments and there causes
Niggalations 3:15 thy shall not step on a niggas new shoes or thus will sparken a negro moment
by Dark skinned Jesus November 20, 2019
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The unholy Bible of all niggas. This is where a nigga can find wisdom or just simply the way of life.
"Thou Shalt Not Wife THOTS!" - Niggalations: 10 verse 7
by MistahRigoh April 19, 2019
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The holy book to those seeking guidance in the way of the hood. It is the bible and guide book on how to act and be in your life.
Niggalations 4:19

If you’re strapped you won’t get clapped
by chokemelikeyouhatemebutyoulove November 17, 2020
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The holy book for anyone looking for knowledge and guidance regarding hood life and culture. It acts as a manual on how to behave and live.
"If thou shall cheat, let it never be on your barber." -Niggalations 4:20
by QwertyIsMyFavoriteWord August 7, 2022
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Aye bro u read that one verse in Niggalations?
by J2Drizzy September 10, 2021
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