Newfie Ski Doo

When you climb onto a moose's back while it's crossing a lake, then jump off as it first touches land. CAUTION!!! Only ballsy Canadians are allowed to do this!
Ay, yo! I had to get across de lake to see my brudder, so I took a newfie ski doo to see him, ay!
by PantlessSnake24 April 9, 2019
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Newfie Speed and Custom

Slang name for any "Canadian Tire" store. Quite possibly the most inept automotive shop in all of Canada.
"Whomever changed the oil in your car, forgot to put more back in. Where did you go?"

"I took it to Newfie Speed and Custom."

"Uh, oh. 'Nuff said!!!"
by D.Gould October 18, 2007
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Newfie Retirement Fund

Anyone who frequently plays the lottery, in hopes of acquiring financial security.
"Did you check our numbers, for the Newfie Retirement Fund?"

"Ya. And we didn't win. So we can't retire this week."
by D. Gould January 8, 2007
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Newfie Flush

in poker a 4-card flush aka busted flush or Chinese flush
Holy shit! My pair held up? What did you have with all that betting?

Newfie flush I was hoping to fill on the river
by cyberpope67,BC,Canada October 7, 2009
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Newfie Breath Mint

That pink, blue, white, or any other coloured puck in the urinal that is supposed to cover up the smell of a few thousand pisses. Usually ineffective. "Newfie" is short for Newfoundlander, person that hails from a province known for its' screech, rocks and seasonal employment.
I was at the bar and had to drive home, so I took a bite out of the Newfie Breath Mint to disguise my screech breath.
by nickpapageorgio February 9, 2008
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newfie smokes

A shitty brand of smokes that someone has usually boughten from indians they basicly suck ass and noone like them there used as a last resort and your called broke ass for smoking them
mike: yo wanna buy a smoke
anthony: i aint want them newfie smokes
by daganj November 20, 2009
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Newfie raindance

When two people have sex for so long and hard that the ceiling drips water.
My girlfriend and I did a Newfie raindance last night and we had to use wet/dry vac to get all the water up.
by GonzotheGeek August 3, 2022
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