Popo - a funny joke
Polo- hahshjshduhahhhahahahahahahaha
Popo- u feeling the neigh
Polo- bahuahhaahhaha
Polo- hahshjshduhahhhahahahahahahaha
Popo- u feeling the neigh
Polo- bahuahhaahhaha
by Popo water bottle June 9, 2023
One who shows apathetic behaviors due to drug induced mental states, typically shown the day preceeding an acid or ectasy tripp. Can be used to describe a state of being or used as a pronoun. (May be pronounced in a british monty python accent).
by not kevin nikki or dori April 15, 2011
The sound a horse makes when it sees food, sees another horse, gets scared of the leaf on the ground
by Aquaturtle75 August 30, 2019
by Lashley January 1, 2021
by secretagentWHOA July 18, 2006
by JINJENS March 24, 2011