Somebody who has the personality of a wet paper bag and smells like nards even online
Hey man did you hear about that total Nardie?
by FranksRedHotCome August 22, 2020
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A word used to define someone who is considered cool, in the context of one's name.
Hey, Ben Fenner is pretty cool.
How cool?
He's not a Nardi, but he's still cool.
by nei November 24, 2004
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High school (and sometimes college) boys who like sports, are generally huge assholes, get really drunk, say things like "damn son!", and are disrespectful to girls.
Typical nardy conversation:
Nardy 1: "Dude, I was so drunk last night!"
Nardy 2: "I know. I fucked insert random girl"
Nardy 1: "Damn son! Who was it?"
Nardy 2: "You know, just some bitch."

Typical girl conversation:
Girl 1: "Hey, I'm having a party tonight."
Girl 2: "Ew, can we not invite the nardies? I'm actually trying to have fun."
by daaaaaaaaaaana November 25, 2007
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Probably the coolest last name out there. If you ever meet anyone with this last name, you know they are twice as cool as you.
Whoa, his name is George Nardi?
by napoleon November 23, 2004
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it means your cool. or extreme,awesome, your a chill person,
"dude your soo nardi. you rocked in the concert last night
by katti_gurl February 26, 2007
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Like gnarly... but with an Arabic touch of swagger
One of the boys: bro I just fucked this sharmutta and her pussy was so nardy that I forgot to pull out
The boys in uniscent: N A R D Y P U S S Y
by Eddaddy:) August 15, 2019
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