A random or uniform mixture of sound and silence created by voice and instrument to create rhythm and beat.
Listen to music and enjoy life.
by B-Drac September 16, 2003
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Something that only a few gifted souls are able to create, these days.
"Okay, Joe, Nick? If we can just put our heads together, maybe we can at least write some music that's worth while."

"Oh, uuuuh... how, I'm feeling it Kevin, I'm feeling it, ummm.... I'm... feeling... paranoid! That's it! Paranoid!"

"Uh, but Nick isn't that a song by Black Sabbath---

"CAN IT JOE! It's brilliant!"
by Degree7 August 9, 2009
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The only true way to express your feelings and emotions without everyone around you thinking your a complete dumbass.
Music is the greatest achievement of all times.
by Jarrod Black February 10, 2009
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A major driving force in today's American culture. Often used my groups of people taking names for themselves from a chosen genre then using it to become as exclusivist as the groups they claim to be shunned by. Used all too often to ostrasize and generalize to fit others into neat little packages and stray away from having to deal with anyone. Music is the most important thing to most people, but sometimes for the entirely wrong reasons. Music is beautiful and one of the best forms of self expression, do not use it to boost yourself.
Pretentious Teenager: Look at that freaky little Emo kid, what a poser.
"Emo" Kid: Fuck you, you fucking fuck.

Pretentious Teenager: You're too preppy to be a punk.
"Preppy/Punk" Kid: I don't give a flying fuck what you say, I like the music so fuck you in the ass with a lit cigar.
by TunnySpitfire January 30, 2006
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Any rhythmic expression....The main requirement is an instrumental. Without instruments playing a beat or whatnot, the singer or rapper is not performing music. With that said, the dude saying that music requires singing and not rapping(what he calls "talkin") is very wrong. Groups such as orchestras perform and release albums. They dont always include a chorus with them. Now I know for a fact you wont deny that orchestras play music. Your embedded ethnocentrism wont allow you to. Most orchestras consist of caucasian musicians; who do not sing. It is still music; and very good music at that. Therefore, hip-hop artists who grant it, for the most part, do not sing, still are considered musical performers due to the fact that their music displays rhythmic expressions. Lastly, hip-hop musicians are far more talented than you think when it comes to the complexity of their music and their lyrics specifically. Not always the case for rock an roll. However, I am not disrespecting the genre of rock and roll either. It is simply my stating that most people overlook the talent of hip-hop artists.
Them gothic chicks need to get themselves educations before they obtain the right to judge music that they have little to no knowledge about.

Example of Rap Lyrics- "I specialize in hypnotizing, im never compromising/
my skills are surprising, despite hate arising its love im reviving/
under pressure im thriving best come outta your hiding/
like Randy Johnson im sliding into the front seat confiding/
in the girl I hold dearest in my heart two souls colliding/
so before you judge me racist laws your abiding/
pick up your knowledge and like Game stop snitching, stop lying" -Me(Im 15, and not nearly talented enough to become a professional MC, plus it took my less than 2 minutes to come up with that)

Ok some Rock and Roll Lyrics-"IM NOT OKAYYYYYYYYYYYY"-My Chemical Romance....Now i could be wrong, but it prolly took them a bit longer to come up with that....
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Something that links every soul in the world, regardless of sex, race etc...
We would be lost without music.
by HelloMyNameIsAnonymous October 17, 2009
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