When you get hungry after smoking or drinking and can't be bothered cooking anything. Usually people will eat a lot of junk food or order online
I'm so 'munchied' but I can't be bothered moving, so i'll eat as much junk food as I can until the takeaway arrives
by munchied November 13, 2015
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The feeling about 25 minutes after finishing a bowl.
Justin: 'Whoa, I need some vanilla wafers and some of that stuff with the cheese and......that thing your mom made last week.....and, what was i doing?'

Theis:'I don't know, man, but i want some of that stuff my mom made last weekwith the cheese.....'
by Justin October 15, 2003
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It's a corruption of the French word Manger meaning 'to eat'. During the first world war Australian soldiers found pronunciations of critical French words hard to master.
"Munchies mate" pointing at mouth and smacking lips to bewildered French shop keepers and café owners.
by Seanogue October 25, 2015
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order some pizza and make sure to get the hot wings cause i got the munchies like a mofo
by Harry Pothead July 20, 2003
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When your hungry as fuck after smoking some bud thats mad good.
"yo you see him? he put yo mommas cornbread muffin a charleston chew in the pockets of his sweats then grabbed a glass of oj...hes got some rad munchies.
by herry pothead January 8, 2006
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An incurable delight
I had the munchies all night and I was on the toilet for a half hour this morning
by ninjainjun62 October 12, 2010
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