An ancient Latin title naming the second coming of Christ manifest in a single man. It is synonymous with God himself.
Person 1: "The pope predicts that that the Mosh Joskoff is due to come to earth soon"
Person 2: "I heard about that. He will save the Earth, he said. Apparently, he resides in E-8, whatever that means."
by LibtardsPwnedEbicStyle October 31, 2018
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Getting Moshed away is when you are pulled away from your friends due to the power of a mosh pit at a concert
Guy 1: Ayo bro, that concert was lit, but where the fuck were you?
Guy 2: Sorry bro I got Moshed away
by AnonymousCoolKid69420 July 25, 2021
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Verb: to do boring chores while listening to metal and head banging
I was moshing-up the dishes last night to Enter Sandman
by Sphyrna Lewini February 24, 2022
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Full length - condescending mosher

Likes to let everyone know that they know everything about Rick and morty, no Jack horseman, math metal and any kind of game. Whilst still maintaining the shoes are nerdy even though they’re watched by millions. Starts sentences with “well technically” and will pick apart any joke or comment.

This specifically applies to a certain sub category of mosher. Including all of the usual attributes (drinking monster, Light up gaming keyboards, cartoon tee’s, ‘table top games’ etc)

Usually has a pale complexion with flushed cheeks due to lack of direct sunlight.
Did you see that guys extensive Lego collection? what a cond mosh.
by January 26, 2022
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Moshe is a great kid he is about 6ft tall and is studying geography and he's very good at it he is the son of the devil and the angel and he is from montenegro.
by Ilovemanbichibichimadafakaprob November 22, 2021
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