Assholes who don’t wear masks publicly during the Coronavirus/COVID 19 Pandemic. Especially common in NYC and usually of a certain perceived privaledge and political party(GOP).
That fucking MASKHOLE rolled up behind us like a Stealth Bomber as we were getting off the ferry on 34th street. Running and coughing, spreading that Rona all over the back of our necks. Not a mask or bandana in sight!
by StayGoldJGold April 26, 2020
selfish idiots in my neighborhood who think that they don't need to wear a mask because the rest of us do
by Bethinslope May 12, 2020
by stxnthamix July 20, 2020
A Karen who couldn’t give a single flying fadoodle that we’re in the middle of a pandemic and that we have to keep ourselves and others safe, and instead thinks they can declare independence from wearing a mask. Newsflash: nowhere on the constitution does it say anything about being allowed to not wear a mask during a pandemic, Karen.
by Pialinist July 11, 2020
People who enter public establishments without wearing a mask, even though it is an executive order; and then have the nerve to give an attitude to the employee in the establishment because they are told they need to wear a face covering to enter the building. Some even resort to arguing, threatening, and insulting the employee; because they are too stupid to understand that the employee does not make the law.
Especially people who conduct themselves this way in Massachusetts; way worse than a Masshole.
Especially people who conduct themselves this way in Massachusetts; way worse than a Masshole.
“This maskhole threatened to beat my ass because I told him the town required a mask or face covering to enter the store.”
by Mellrocks April 29, 2020
by Willson2020 December 31, 2021
Some idiot who refuses to wear their mask during an international emergency. Therefore threatening the lives of hundreds.
Shut up about human rights, how about let’s reduce the infection rate of Covid and potentially save lives
Shut up about human rights, how about let’s reduce the infection rate of Covid and potentially save lives
Some maskhole down south who refuses to wear their mask in public, threatening to sue those who challenge them about it.
by Rexie3454 July 27, 2020