A condition that occurs when a cadet is at New York Maritime College for too long, resualting in an illision that makes females more attractive than they really are. Similar to beer goggles, the two should never be combined in an unsafe area. The effects of the combination of the two are catastrophic, often resaulting in massive quantities of shame and ridicule by peers. There is, in fact, an equation that describes the potency of Maritime Goggles, h+(.15w)=mgh, with h being equal to the initial hotness of the chick, w being equal to the number of consecutive weeks a cadet is stuck on campus )whithout being off campus for a span of >1week), and mgh being equal to the maritime goggle hotness, or the final hotness of the chick.
Maritime Cadet: "Wow, look at that hottie in the mini-skirt!"
Normal Dude: "Uh, bro, she's no better than a 6."
Maritime Cadet: "Damn maritime goggles again, ive been stuck there too long."

if a girl is a 6 to one uneffected by maritime goggles, and is seen afer a cadet has been stuck on campus for 7 weeks, then she is now a 7.05 under maritime goggles, because 6+(.15*7)=7.05. The mgh potancy factor would be 1.05
by MSA6219 October 2, 2009
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a person who has not had sexual intercourse on a boat in a body of salt water
These sailors keep making up stories of mermaids and mermen. What a bunch of maritime virgins.
by Maritime Virgin February 20, 2022
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A term used to define a drink which has been mixed with more than the regular 1oz of achohol.

Created by Sean O'Connor
Bartender give me a scotch I would like a maritime pour.
by Reggie92 December 31, 2014
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When there are two beer left on the plastic rings of a six pack. It is pulled apart by two people, similar to a thanksgiving turkeys wishbone, who make wishes. The person with the plastic six pack rings left on the beer has their wish come true.

A Maritimer is a person who lives in the Maritimes in Canada.
Generally thought to be more hickish then those from other parts of Canada.
A frown appeared on Jerry's face, as he held up what was left of the beer.... a maritimers wishbone.
by Scotian March 21, 2011
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Not Irish, but a hell of a lot more Irish then Irish Americans.

We have an accent, are music is Celtic, we are Catholic (unlike Irish Americans) and we know how to drink.
I don't consider myself a true Irishman but i'm the closest thing to one.

Sean's from the Maritimes, hes so much more Irish then John from Idaho.

I am Maritime Canadain
by dougman48569653257 September 12, 2009
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When someone inserts their finger into a person's rectum, then places the same finger in that person's mouth and "fish hooks" them.
by Uncle Jürgen October 24, 2022
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A college situated in the Bronx, NYC... it is known for its corrupt regimental staff, idiotic cadets, and job placement office for an industry which the US really doesn't have anymore. Largely a waste of time and tuition
"SUNY Maritime College sucks man, they promised me 100% job placement, and 99.9% of my job offers are shoreside."
by FtheReg June 1, 2006
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