Someone who is boring, or a let down. Derived from the word Barry (Barry Manilow).
"Don't be a Barry" or "Don't be a Manilow."
"Don't be a Barry" or "Don't be a Manilow."
by Matthew Dyer July 12, 2004
An replacement for no homo used after a phrase that sounds ambigously gay or 'Manilow', so that your friends won't call you a 'Manilow'
by NoManilow June 22, 2011
by ticktickboom October 1, 2011
by Hermiasarmpit July 28, 2018
1. A harsh disciplinary action; a mean-spirited administrative decree.
2. A mixed drink made with fruit punch and bitters.
2. A mixed drink made with fruit punch and bitters.
by mtq August 14, 2006
A great singer that many people diss, but those people are fucking communist fasict hippies. See asshole
Asshole: I fucking hate Barry Manilow
Sensible Person: Bitch! (pulls out dual Glocks and shoots asshole in the face)
Sensible Person: Bitch! (pulls out dual Glocks and shoots asshole in the face)
by Barryfan 117 July 21, 2010
Remember the lovely lady in the black dress from the bar last night? She took me over to here place where I surprised her some Barry Manilow.
Wow Wee! There's a hottie! I'd love to give her the Barry Manilow treatment...
Barry Manilow dat Hoe!
Wow Wee! There's a hottie! I'd love to give her the Barry Manilow treatment...
Barry Manilow dat Hoe!
by Shablonskihammerstiensenburg May 22, 2014