show on vh1 featuring members from i love new york, flavor of love, and rock of love, as they compete for $250,000
dude i watched i love money last night!
by bulldog889 September 2, 2008
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Basically, the realworld road rules....but infested with syphillis
Dude, did you watch I love money last night?

Nah, i might just get Aids by watching it
by Sceneofkaos August 18, 2008
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a "classy" Vh1 shows with all the white trash & black trash rejects of VH1's "dating shows"
the rejects complete in stupid challlenges reflecting their time on the the dating shows.
Lots of sex, smoking, herpes, and white trash.
Bill: Did Lolena just give that old man a lap dance? Thats classy...
Angela: ALMOST as classy as i love money
by junlop October 7, 2008
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trashy reality show involving cast members from even more trashy reality shows like I Love New York, Rock of Love, and Flavor of Love.
"Pumkin did WHAT on I Love Money? she eliminated CHANCE? go giirrl!"
by flaverrrr flayyv August 18, 2008
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This is one of the best visual novel games ever. Created by the makers of another legendary visual novel "Everlasting Summer".

LMR consists of five main characters - Nikolai (MC), Himitsu, Kagome, Catherine and Ellie. The game is based on a 1980s time in Japan. You have to make a choice as the story progresses, and depending on that, date one of the girls. The artwork and music is absolutely fantastic - a major upgrade from Everlasting Summer.

This game was released worldwide in 2015.
Person 1: I'm playing Everlasting Summer! Time to revisit the classics.
Person 2: That's cool. When you're done finishing that, play Love, Money, Rock'n'Roll! The same old creators made it. This is even better than Everlasting Summer. You'll thank me later, trust me.
Person 1: Sure, after I'm done with this, I'll give Love, Money, Rock'n'Roll a try!
by LaserImouto June 8, 2023
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Under any circumstances; usually used in a negative sentence.
I wouldn't do it for love or money.
by TaintedMustard April 5, 2004
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The root of all evil, greed. Though many think simply money is the root of all evil, which doesn't make sense.
The love of money is when you are greedy and will kill for it.
by Charles Chilly September 13, 2007
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