by Fuod January 8, 2010
Man, I was at Brian's apartment yesterday, and he totally forgot someone was in the bathroom. He opened the door and accidentally caught a glimpse of Jon lopezing
by ChBwd May 21, 2009
I'm running out of lopez.
by tyrannus maximus September 27, 2005
by Peepoo420 July 27, 2018
The act of someone altering your ideals of beauty by being attractive in so many ways, including physically, as to redefine beauty for you entirely; The act of being humbled with respect to your superficial manners of categorizing and simplifying the world around you using arbitrary standards (and asinine statements) which have no real relationship to reality, true desire or appreciation of beauty; the act of admitting that, no matter what ideals of beauty one holds true in general, most of the time the greatest beauties that are expeerinced in life are those which challenge prefabricated, prescriptive and ultimately limiting ideals.
A foolish young woman was lopezed by a dashing man who wore a funny helmet when he rode his bike through center city traffic at rush hour.
by M. Kearney July 27, 2005
(noun) a desicription
describes the ass of a female in the shape of J-LO or other exquiste shape. Always used by itself!
describes the ass of a female in the shape of J-LO or other exquiste shape. Always used by itself!
by Anonymous August 1, 2003