An individual that prefers to do things by their self. They work best alone. An individual who doesn’t care for having cooperation from another individual. He or she that finds it easier to take care of themselves without any social interaction. A person that lives for a goal in life. A commando that gets the job done without looking at anyone for help. An elite hero that performs the impossible by themself for no reason but of their own. A one man army.

Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid and Duke Nukem is a good example of a lonewolf.
"Why don't you bring someone with you?" She said. "I prefer to do things my way." He says as he puts on his glasses.
"You're a true lonewolf." She replied.
by David White March 1, 2012
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Another term to isolate yourself from a friend group due to many causes
I’m a Lonewolf now because my friend group hated me for a unknown reason
by Fruit Hunter April 6, 2023
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A generally unlikeable person, who pushes others away, talks down to others, and complains about their life a lot
The man is a lonewolf, we can’t get through to him.
by Oof x100 July 21, 2018
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A person who prefers to be alone rather than with others. Different from a hermit, a lonewolf will live and work in society rather than hide from it. Can also refer to a person prefers to work alone. They differ from most in that they do not seek out the company of others.
That man leaning against the bar all by himself...he's a lonewolf bounty hunter...don't mess with him.
by Jon Lynn April 21, 2008
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the illest motherfucker on the planet Earth, see #ofweed
lonewolf owns my monkey ass!
by lonewolf April 15, 2003
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Telbiil is hot cs he’s a LoneWolf
by Daddy Telbiil September 17, 2022
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The most saddest of all aliases among the internet sub-culture known as Furries
(totemism taken to extremes and usually with a sexual element). Most common next to RedFox.
I've always been a bit of a loner and the wolf reflects my personality best - does anyone have a cure for fur-suit rash?
by anonymous February 16, 2004
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