19 definitions by Fruit Hunter

Just like a short ending this uses two notes instead of one if the first note is a perfect fifth down from the tonic, which then resolves to the second note, which is the tonic, this is to be played in the quick secession using short notes however, though there is some instances using the notes being still Marcato But having a longer delayed rest
The cadence ending resolves everything
by Fruit Hunter August 17, 2023
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A instrument part with three pages. Usually they are a grade three.
I got my first three pager today. It’s really hard to play though.
by Fruit Hunter June 14, 2023
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I dreamed that you want to happen, but it’s very unlikely and will probably never happen
It’s a pipe dream to be with your best friend for the entirety of your life
by Fruit Hunter April 6, 2023
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Usually a long ending feeding out or just diminishing on a high frequency usually by first violins
The high ending is one of my favorite types of endings because it makes the music sound peaceful
by Fruit Hunter August 17, 2023
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The word to use referring to any tradition of orchestral instruments in a orchestra setting, which does not have to be orchestral think of the compositions of Richard Meyer
Richard Meyer had made many Orchestricative pieces that follow the tradition of the orchestra
by Fruit Hunter November 8, 2023
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The musical joke at the end of a piece that seems like it’s ending, but however, though you keep on going, this is kind of to build suspense, but many taking another way
You’ll probably hear a ensemble going “ still not done still not done still not done”
by Fruit Hunter August 17, 2023
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A single note, usually the tonic of a peace that is played loudly and boldly to stay in ending. This is usually a quarter note or the note that whatever gets a beat.
I say that the one note ending is too easy to play and but it’s fun
by Fruit Hunter August 17, 2023
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