by Speed July 18, 2003
Would you please clean out the toilets or please see this baggage gets to the station before the train departs.
by George November 5, 2003
A trickster hailing from Lil' Hopewell who also answers to Phil, Mark, and the ever popular Lack Daddy.
Jesse: Hey, Lackey, let's go to Witmo's and roll a blunt.
Lackey: Why roll a blunt when I have three in my Volvo already?
Lackey: Why roll a blunt when I have three in my Volvo already?
by the kid February 16, 2005
by lackeyfoyflay May 24, 2018
by ohukno January 26, 2003
One who abets in crime, a gangster, used more in the old days when gangsters not gangsta roamed the mean streets of the cities.
by maybenot September 5, 2003
by Meredith Stiles January 11, 2007