1 definition by Jersey Boy15

A show on MTV that reveals to the world why New Jersey residents hate Bennies. Unlike them, we don't say New Joizy or call it the Jersey Shore. It's either the shore if you live in Jersey, or if you're a local, the beach. The show features 8 guidos and guidettes. They have never been to the shore, and some of them have never even been to New Jersey. But to them, Seaside is Heaven on Earth. Watch as they get drunk, get laid, and trash Seaside Heights. While your at it, maybe you can learn a couple things about tanning, fist pumps and hair gel.
Kid: Hey man, did you watch Jersey Shore last night?

Other Kid: Hell yea dude, right after my tan. *FIST PUMP*
by Jersey Boy15 December 10, 2009
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