a block of the most versatile bangin booty ever cut from canadian wood.
the words 'jenga withdrew' have been sprayed and markered and carved across toronto cityscapes since 2006. their mysterious appearance has been linked to flowers found on automotive windshields.
by dietcokehead January 8, 2007
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Edge of your seat fun for the whole family, Fire Jenga is the act of placing a log or other combustibles in an unsteady tower, placed atop a campfire or small tire fire. While drunk. The game is over when the shaky tower finally falls and all players are treated for second degree burns.

Light 'em, Stack 'em, Don't let 'em Topple. Drink if you do.
"...the blaze was finally subdued as fire crews worked well into the night. Chief Higgins confirmed that the cause of the forest fire was an innocent campside game of Fire Jenga gone awry"
by heroinburgers August 24, 2008
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The careful act of eating your food in such a way that it does not fall apart into a million pieces.
I ordered the gourmet burger and that thing came stacked with like ten ingredients. I had to practice careful food jenga to keep it from falling apart all over my plate every time I took a bite.
by Transformers3People0 June 3, 2011
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1. A social living arrangement where trash is carefully, and at times strategically, stacked in the bin to towering heights by the multiple tenants with the understanding that whoever topples the stack will have to take out the trash.


2. An exclamation of ridicule usually directed at the loser of garbage jenga following his or her spectacular defeat in the looming shadow of the colossal monstrosity that is the garbage jenga stack.
1. "The rent is due on the first of the month, don’t hog the hot water in the morning and if I catch either of you playing garbage jenga in the kitchen, I’m dumping it on your beds."

2. "Garbage jenga! Dude, Bryan totally owned you with his two foot house of gram crackers stack at the end. You had no chance!"
by Frank C November 6, 2007
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Piling objects atop a sleeping cat in turn. Bigger objects give more points, but the game is over when the cat wakes up! The one who wakes up the cat or who makes the stack tumble looses.
"Fluffy was not very pleased to wake up to a game of kitty jenga."
by Blayze Kohime December 29, 2007
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Game consisting of stacking empty alcoholic beverage containers (i.e. Pint glasses, beer cans, etc.) on top of a passed-out person's head.
Dan passed out at the bar at an inappropriately early time; Dan's friends played Pollitt Jenga.
by maruthecat March 19, 2010
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A term used to describe a public toilet that has not been flushed and contains and excess amount of #2 piled on.

Somtimes seen in bars or nightclubs.
"Hey man don't go to the can... there is nothin but Toilet Jenga in there!"
by poob67 July 15, 2009
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