The day when the best person in the whole world turns 18. Happy birthday baby.
Hey, it's january 19th 2022, Jesica turns 18 today, how time flies dude!
by Who is I 28 September 8, 2021
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The day the TikTok servers will be burned down, ending the era of cringe
12 year olds start protesting for the shut down of tiktok after January 1st 2022
by TheBanananana November 7, 2021
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The last day The Lorax (2012) was available on Netflix in 2022, following the death of Betty White, voice of Grammy Norma in the movie, and around 2 months before the 10 year anniversary of the film.
Person: Did you hear about what happened on January 6 2022?

Parson: Yeah, people have been watching nothing but The Lorax on Netflix after the announcement it would be removed...
by Bunkeringo Jones Sr. June 10, 2022
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January 24 2022 is when Erick and Jose start to kiss and remember their love for one another.
Today is January 24 2022 let’s kiss!
by FreddyFraz4 January 23, 2022
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Ninja will floss again, at exactly 12 AM January 1st 2022, Mark my words, and when he will, you don't wanna know what happens...
Guy 1: "Hey, did you hear about January 1st 2022?
Guy 2 : "We don't talk about January 1st 2022"
Guy 1: "Yeah..."
by I am a shark December 18, 2021
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