A young adult player on marapets that is fond of being called an old grandma.

(she's totally a pedofile grannie that invites kiddies in with cookies and milk ^_^)
She's very fond of using her tag when she posts something on the website. "Grannie// Come chat I have cookies!!" is usually how it goes down in her lovingly family known as ReC, where everyone bows down to her like she owns a cookie factory with free giveaways.
She is apparently all knowing and very popular (although, a dog with 6 legs could be popular too, couldn't it?)
She also thinks she's amazing at graphics when everyone just says she is to be nice. Who wants to upset an old Grannie? Of course, they would feel guilty if they gave her a heart attack... or him.
Everyone gotta love them old ladies with acne and big pretty canes.

"Grannie Jade of ReC, do you have any cookies n milk for us 2day? ^___^!!11one~"

"I sure do. Come look in my fridge."
by sdhjkshfjkdhfhjdhfhjd August 21, 2009
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A crazy very loud girl who would give her life up for shrek. Nice and pretty but also a crackhead
Jade spends all her free time watching shrek movies
by segsyshrek January 4, 2020
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A really unreliable friend who claims to be your mbf (mega best friend)
You do know that she is a jade, stay away from her.
by Yomo October 18, 2014
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Usually a beautiful girl on the outside but completely ugly on the inside. Usually just care's for themselves and uses people to get ahead in life. Not a reliable friend. Very nice at first but as time passes she will show her true colors. If she finds some one better than you she will drop you.
"Jade just dropped me off the face of the planet"


"Because she made a new friend with money"
by 'Merica Gurl February 25, 2013
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A generally greasy girl, has a reputation for being greasy.
That Jade girl is so greasy!
by thatwhitebitch000 December 3, 2015
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A jade is a person who is popular and very rude they will pretend to be your friend but then stab you in the back they are not very smart and will do anything to annoy you so a jade is someone you want to stay away from
friend:I talked to someone yesterday
Me: who?
Friend: jade
Me: oh no stay away from her she's such a jade
by Ryah Lynn March 25, 2013
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