When an old guy brings his grandchildren to the post office or bank (or anywhere else only old people like to go) and locks them in the car, leaving a dank old person fart behind.

Also works with rotten cabbage locked in the trunk during a hot Minnesota summer.
Grandchild 1: "ewww... what's that smell?"

Grandchild 2: "I dunno, grandpa must have farted before he locked the car! GROSS!"

Grandchild 1: "Ah, he gave us the old Iverson Special."

Grandpa: "Take that Johnny son-of-a-bitch!"
by Chris H., Pip R. January 13, 2011
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The Greatest Point Guard in the history of Basketball. He's only 6 feet tall scoring over 30 points a game all season. What other point guard has done this before him. I don't know of one. You tell me. Plus the girls think he's cute.
by angrmnmt101 March 2, 2007
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A person who is unorthodoxly awesome, a great lover lover compassionate and a master of the arts.
Boy what a 'yung Iverson'.
He'll definately be a 'yung Iverson' when he gets older.
by tim_bob111 January 16, 2016
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iverson: (I-ver-suhn). 1. Verb. To pistol whip your wife while is unclothed, and throw her from the household in her naked state.
2. Iverson (Form) Noun. One who is relatively small but performs much more efficiently than those who are larger.
Even though Todd's wife was eight inches taller and forty-eight pounds heavier than him, he was a total Iverson and iversoned her.
by tenda May 29, 2005
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A white guy that so wishes he was a jigaboo, he corn rows his hair just like Allen Iverson.
A tool at my gym has corn rows just like a vanilla iverson.
by Richard Munch December 8, 2004
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One who can not acheive a state of an erection. Mainly caused by mental issues.
by cheeb gnashes February 13, 2004
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