
Idot basically means the same thing as idiot but without an i.
I came up with this with my friends. I have no clue if it is already a word or not? Lol
by Flash1done June 13, 2022
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an idot is something that advanced human beings will say when they are talking to a idiot, just like xEthanPower has founded and created this word. It is only to be used by the most legendary people in the world, which means stamps is not allowed to use it. All Credits of
Person One: What is 2+2?

Person Two: That's 4 you idot!!
by RoWrestlerRanks69 September 22, 2020
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Boy 1: idot
Boy 2: no u
by Airalyn December 10, 2019
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Idots 2.0

Idots 2.0 is a group of cock suckers who all play minecraft for a living. They all weigh over 20000 LBS, as most of them are 300 strs in Bedwars or over bridge legend.
Player 1: Did you hear about the new fattest discord server?

Player 2: Oh yeah, it's called Idots 2.0!
by Luh whyk October 28, 2021
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idotic is pro
by pro idotic pro November 4, 2020
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