A Virtuoso (ISTP) is someone with the Introverted, Observant, Thinking, and Prospecting personality traits. They tend to have an individualistic mindset, pursuing goals without needing much external connection. They engage in life with inquisitiveness and personal skill, varying their approach as needed.

Side Note: The guy who hates ISTP cause of their ex girlfriend your a real weirdo you been adding defentions for months. Fix yourself you are embarrassing yourself. Hope your ex is doing great.
Hey Diamond did you know in AOT levi Ackerman Annie and Ymir not fritz are all ISTP.
by YumWhim November 20, 2021
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An INTP that goes outside sometimes.
Person 1: Is it just me or does Dylan smell like absolute dogshit?
Person 2: He's ISTP.
Person1: That explains it.
by October 19, 2021
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I Suck The Penis

An MBTI personality type of slackers and deadbeats.
Bob told me he was ISTP. No wonder he sucks ass at life so much.
by WorseThanHitler January 31, 2021
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A sociopathic personality type in MBTI. I’m an INTJ and they are the type that I have had the worst luck/experiences with. I don’t like ISTP’s, They are all scumbags and I have no use for them. Their existence is very superficial and mundane. They are very trashy people and are extremely unsophisticated and unrefined. ISTP’s are selfish bottom-feeders and opportunistic people. It’s no wonder that extremely unhealthy ones are slapped with Antisocial personality disorder. (psychopath)

The best way to deal with an ISTP is to say “Fuck off you weirdo”. They are quite prone to pestering aloof INTJ’s like me who are aloof and uninterested, and whom most definitely doesn’t give a crap about them.
The ISTP is a very trashy and useless personality type. I don’t like them.
by WorseThanHitler April 29, 2021
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I am an INTJ and I find relationships with the ISTP to be quite suspicious and baffling most the time. They always seem to tag along with you. They also feel intimidating and worthy of attacking just for the sake of it. They follow you around and you don’t know whether it’s a good or bad thing. They are very intimidating and come on a little too strong. I am a private person, so I find it to be irritating if someone invades my private spaces...
ISTPs come across as predatory humans that are out to take advantage of the situation.
I have to be careful and cautious around some of them. I always fear they are feeding off me and out to get me(sucking my blood🩸) , don’t want to support a random person I’m not quite familiar with.

They only talk to you when they need something. My dad is this personality type, and he did not give a crap about anyone but himself. Unhealthy ISTPs are prone to selfishness.
by Rude Crude but Earnest Dude December 7, 2020
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Piece of shit personality type.

Assholes. As a brilliant INTJ mastermind, I’d rather die than help somebody like you ISTP’s. Nobody can come as close to the brilliance of Ted Kaczynski or Friedrich Nietzsche. Assholes, you NEVER understood the brilliance and genius of us INTJ’s... ISTP’s take advantage of everything. Your whole lives are a fake.
If you’re an INTJ, always beware of ISTP’s because they are only just using you for their own advantage. See: selfish jackasses
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ISTP’s are an extremely annoying personality type. I am an INTJ and I can’t stand them. They never shut up and always want to use you. They are possibly dangerous people for the INTJ. They are very hard-headed and also selfish people. That’s what makes them annoying. I find unrelatable. They are also extremely superficial people, very shallow and not very deep or introspective. As an INTJ I see them as rivals and pests. I often want them out of my life, because they are so goddamn annoying.

And the women tend to be tomboys. But, I like girly-girls instead.

I do not wish to help or aid such people as ISTP’s. They seem like competitors and rivals to me, and as I mentioned in a definition earlier their presence is very unenriching, ungratifying, unempowering...not very comfortable at all... I have no use for them. As people, I find them to be potentially dangerous and uncomfortable.

They are also very irresponsible people and totally unreliable. And they never think ahead and always seem to get themselves in trouble.
I am an INTJ and I think ISTP’s are a total pain in the ass.
by WorseThanHitler May 10, 2021
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