
by FHC777 May 19, 2019
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Stands for "Hit me up." Simply means "call me," "text me," or some other form of "let's get in contact" with no other connotations. The exact meaning can usually be gotten from context.
HMU if you can help me out with this.
by halotroop2288 January 23, 2020
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Hmu for a good time
by 123nameistiffany July 2, 2021
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how much uhms… particularly used in school
“Dude… hmu rn

“yeah this subject mad confusingl
by March 22, 2023
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hmu means "hit me up"

similar to "hml"

its what someone says when they want you to text them
"hmu i'm bored"
by imacoolkid1 October 3, 2020
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hmu means "hit me up"

similar to "hml"

its what someone says when they want you to text them
"hmu i'm bored"
by imacoolkid1 October 3, 2020
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"Hmu", also know as holding my uterus, is a term used to tell people that you are waiting till marriage to loose your virginity
Tyler asked if he could hit that, and i replied with "hmu".
by lalalalalalallalalalalallal January 26, 2019
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