20 definitions by imacoolkid1

National Pie day

January 23rd is national pie day. So make some pie and enjoy!
Person 1: Hey did you hear it's national pie day?
Person 2: Oh no I didn't but now I gotta go make some pie!
by imacoolkid1 April 17, 2020
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The name of a girl who is funny and nice. She does multiple sports and she is just a good friend in general. Casey is so amazing
Its super fun hanging out with Casey.
by imacoolkid1 May 15, 2020
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Cake is another word for ass. Mainly a TikTok thing but now used in everyday talk. If a TikTok shows someones ass people are gonna comment "ayy so no one gonna talk about that cake"
Person 1: Yo, show me some of that cake of yours!
Person 2: yea okay...
by imacoolkid1 April 17, 2020
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lmk means let me know. It is also an app mainly used for Snap Chat. People will say this when they want you to tell them something.
Person 1: okay just lmk when you find out the news
Person 2: yeah you'll be the first to know
by imacoolkid1 April 17, 2020
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A name of a very nice girl who tries to see the best in everyone and likes most people. you have to be a real jerk to have Ella not like you. She is always nice and always acts like a kid, thats a good thing btw. She is also a god at basketball.
Ella is so nice to everyone
by imacoolkid1 April 17, 2020
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National Donut Day

June 5th is National Donut Day. So get some donuts and enjoy!
by imacoolkid1 April 17, 2020
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person 1:"amos @....."
by imacoolkid1 October 3, 2020
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