by imakedefinitionstokilltime May 31, 2019
hmu means hit me up. you say that to someone if u want them to text or call or contact you in some way
by nutellamonster12 January 12, 2018
by QueenKhya September 28, 2019
by Sierraarnoldus July 25, 2017
Everybody knows that u send this to only one person because you wanna hang with them like. LIKE SISSYYYYY??!! u can't even lie and you know that my Dear.
PEACE OUT BIATCHHHH. hehe just for fun i'm a soft girl so i need to chill with that attitude
PEACE OUT BIATCHHHH. hehe just for fun i'm a soft girl so i need to chill with that attitude
by Oh Hello My Dear.. Rrawrrr November 12, 2019