
by Scotty 01 April 8, 2019
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means Hit Me Up. Usually used on snapchat stories/ replying to YOLO's that your friends put on their stories.
once you are done vibin' HMU.
by NOUCARD January 6, 2020
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guy: hey shawty hw r u?
girl: dont hmu BYEEEE
guy: i-
by kriptonnnbitchh February 2, 2020
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HMU stands for “hit me up”. Most commonly used among teenagers in social media. They will use the word in order to express to their followers that they are single and would like a boyfriend/girlfriend. So basically, telling someone to text them and try to get together with them.
I’m single so guys HMU.

HMU I need a girl!

Someone HMU!
by 💞💖🤪 December 1, 2018
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Hey, Sean... Wanna go get some HMU for ya father
Yeah sure, I like my father
by Teriakee 96 December 5, 2018
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Mark: I need to talk to you hmu
Mathew: yo i'll text you
by edsarah May 19, 2016
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A slang term/acronym that stand for "hit me up" in which is used to ask someone to befriend you or like/view any posts or status updates, most likely found on social medi
"Dude, did you hear that Jessica was going hmu after the party?"

"Hey, hmu later on Instagram"
by add me on IG: @averydarden September 23, 2017
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