A person who takes extreme pride in working at a grocery store. This person also repeatedly makes disturbing and creepy remarks, often times about their favorite employeee.
That guy is a total Grund, why won't he stop saying weird stuff?
by Johnny Jolly February 10, 2010
A white computer nerd that thinks of himself as a gangster rapper. A person who writes lyrics that are mostly about computers, and only being able to have sex over the internet.
Say you know a Grund that has a GIANT very miscolored KMK tattoo on his arm, which he calls a 'sleeve.'
A Grund has never physically had sex with a female only with their hand and the internet.
A Grund's raps all in one way or another are about computers, and getting 'pussy' on the internet.
Someone who talks like they were raised in the hood, but infact their parents were rich and they lived extremely well off would deffinatly be considered a Grund.
A Grund could also be known as a Snitch/Fed would get caught by the police for being in possession of lets just say drugs, and they rat on every dealer they know of then magically have all charges dropped.
Lastly a Grund is most definitely a virgin.
AKA another good one I saw Amgtg
A Grund has never physically had sex with a female only with their hand and the internet.
A Grund's raps all in one way or another are about computers, and getting 'pussy' on the internet.
Someone who talks like they were raised in the hood, but infact their parents were rich and they lived extremely well off would deffinatly be considered a Grund.
A Grund could also be known as a Snitch/Fed would get caught by the police for being in possession of lets just say drugs, and they rat on every dealer they know of then magically have all charges dropped.
Lastly a Grund is most definitely a virgin.
AKA another good one I saw Amgtg
by GangstaFry November 17, 2010
Grunded videos in a nutshell:
by Uolliac November 30, 2020
A Grunde is an amish person who lives in Norway. He has strange hair, and he likes to think alot. He has an abnormaly big brain.
by Lillesauen November 27, 2008
The act of stimulating one's grundle using slow, clockwise, circular motions. One doing so without disruption of their natrual breathing pattern becomes a professional, grunder.
Steve reveals his beetroot, shiney, Jewish nose and begins furiously grunding Atilla whilst plundging his throbbing licker into his copper badge.
by Rupert Forsyth February 27, 2007
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Something that certain individuals always request because they were not loved as a child. Even if the request is denied on several occasions the individual will continue to request a Grund-hug as they desperately need some external validation, even if it comes at the cost of lack of respect or even feelings of hatred from others.
Person 1: Can you believe that guy he asked Grundy for a Grund-hug.
Person 2: That is so sad he must be a very unloved and lonely person.
Person 2: That is so sad he must be a very unloved and lonely person.
by Grundles November 16, 2021