by Jennifer Tai July 21, 2006
a large slimy glob of spit, mixed with nose snot, that is formed by coughing up and hocking whats in your throat. cooks in restaurants are notorius for making secret deposits on patrons food
by cockblock007 August 24, 2003
Loogy is a term for a left handed specialist relief pitcher in baseball. It comes from Left Only One Out Guy.
by williama April 19, 2007
noun - a lump of sputum (as in phelgm) coughed (or, onomatopoeically, "hawked") up from the lungs. "loogie" is a portmanteau word, or alteration and combination, of "lung cookie."
by Kaptain Amerika May 23, 2007
by Blah August 9, 2003
by Josh Rose January 19, 2006
Who splattered that huge loogie on the wall?
by bends February 7, 2003