
An emotional state when feeling and emotions pass through you. An emotional state when you have no emotion and you go silent for a long while. To lose empathy, the feeling of a conscience, soul.

To go cold toward people, with a machine and emotionless state of speech, mindset unsympathetic.

To feel as if you dissapeared , no one would care or make a fuss

All if to say "i dont want to care, i dont want to feel feelings and emotions"

To loose ones humanity
"Ghost .... thats what they keep calling me"
by Theamazinggeek May 17, 2019
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AAAAAAhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! A Ghost
by Zayla45320 March 4, 2017
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To avoid someone until they get the picture and stop contacting you.
This mother fucker is annoying yo. I'm guna have to ghost him until he gets the point.
by miggelzworth October 6, 2010
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(Not to be confused with Spirit. ) In the Spiritual Realm a Ghost is an energetic projection of the essence of a presence in the form of a condensed vibration subjective to a certain limited form of existence; in other words a ghost is what is left after a subjective experience has identified itself as life force energy.
Tony: Bro I think the Ghost of the last person to stay in my apartment is going to get me!
Spiritman: nah fam, Ghost can’t “kill” you, only Spirits can do that.
by TheRealSpiritMan January 23, 2023
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Dude 1: Yo look, it's a ghost.
Dude 2: Whatever. Ghosts aren't even scary.
Dude 1: They are here in the South.
Ghost: COME 'ERE, N***ERS!
Dude 1: RUN!
by SmokeAHugeDick January 8, 2021
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one who feels no emotions

an unknown person who is only heard, never seen, always hidden
the sad, angry, happy etc feelings pass right through someone, so they are then called Ghost
by xGhost August 14, 2010
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Someone that died and you can't see them but some people can and they are still on earth
by Ghost_Reapear October 28, 2019
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