
A piece of shit town in central Maine. The go-to place for stoners and junkies. Populated mainly by American Eagle-wearing whores and forty-something losers that still hang out with teenagers. A place where there's absolutely nothing to do but smoke weed and fight about absolutely nothing. A stupid town where everyone knows your business. Basically the epitome of a worthless and miserable existence.
Person 1: I'm so baked right now, man.
Person 2: You must have gone to Gardiner.

Gardiner is a pathetic excuse for a town.
by xxwhoadudethatsraddx April 12, 2009
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A really cool guy he smokes the most weed ever. Closed off but is loyal to his friends.
Dude that guy is such a Gardiner
by Dude_stop October 16, 2018
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Usually has the distinct smell of pot smoke, weed is plentiful and cheep, a gathering place of whores, a holding space for people lacking points in the IQ department, people either dressing as an Emo Child or an American Eagle prep, super center of child obesity which isn't Macdonald's.
Dude this sucks, I live in a Gardiner town.
by im_from_gardiner November 23, 2007
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An ancient cult found in the mountains of Holland that is famous for their potatoes and vodka.
hey man, we're going to go party with the Gardineers and eat some potatoes.
by Peter Lankton February 22, 2013
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luke gardiner

Iam rubbish at call of duty, I feel like a luke gardiner
by Owl3232 September 27, 2013
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Allison Gardiner

A teacher who loves chick fil a:) and kyle rhodes
Allison Gardiner wrote a poem:
oh my oh she loves Dougherty
She can waddle around, and assert her authority
To all of those tiles yet to be cracked...
Is a solemn warning, to all of the children she has snapped
Broken and shattered, innocent no more
At fault of the scary lady and all the colors of the rainbow she adores

But one day, one brave soul emerged

Casted down by a bean of, light sent from the heavens
The children cheered as if the slots had all sevens

A tall figure entered the room, with a small box in hand
Ms Gardiner screamed and threw a fit, but he ignored her every command
The class was astonished, shocked if need be, what could cause such pandemonium and distress
She walked over and swiped the box and held it to the class, she yelled and screamed until there was nothing left to say
When the smoke had settled there was nothing left, but an old box of Chick Fil A
by 2023:) May 13, 2021
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Grace Gardiner

She is the most beautiful woman in the world. She is the perfect companion to me as her Daddy. She loves life on the edge and doesn’t take any shit. If you come across a Grace gardiner then message me personally because I will hunt you down and sacrifice you to the gods. She has the most perfect pussy in the world and is the only woman I will ever let peg me (yes she has that power so be careful) I will update this after the pegging
Wow is that your “Grace gardiner
Yeah she is and I hope you back the fuck off even though she will probably fuck you and spit you out for fun
by randomguy1997 July 23, 2022
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