This is ment as humerous, amusing in the same way as funny is used, it is just abreviated
a joke is told and the person doesn't want to write that's funny so they write funi
by blakety blank blank August 24, 2006
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Funi is a short for Mufunwa. She is usually funny and brings a vibe everywhere she goes. She love money and is usually very beautiful
by Merrina January 3, 2021
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pronounciation:: few-knee

Used to describe an almost unibrow ; not quite there yet, but will be in the near future

Patrick, that's one sexy funi!
Dude, are you gonna pluck that funi anytime soon?
by Pablo Perez February 9, 2008
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A term for a giga chad, or someone who is extremely amazing in every way. Do not mess withfunis’ or you will be dead
by UnknownUser8382 July 13, 2022
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The opposite of funny. More like sad, or dissapointing. Could be used like the word, "Sucks"
Wouldn't it be funy if they were all out of Wii's, and we came all the way to target for nothing.

Man it'd be funy if I got the last seat in the class, and we couldn't take it together.
by Sergio Meyer November 19, 2006
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A replacement spelling of the word "Funny" that means that something doesn't make you laugh at all but for the irony you call it "funie"
Wow, that skit he did was truly a funie bit. I don't know what I'd rather be listening to than these funie mems.

Also I have severe depression and I want to die alone away from any human being so I don't go to hell with any trace of this truly terrible race. I mean haha funie bit
by Ace of Nades August 24, 2017
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Something that is both small and humorous.
That retarded looking midget is really funy.
by Scott Fitzhugh March 9, 2007
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