
To like someone just as friends. As opposed to boy/girl way.
I like you in the friendy way, not in the boy/girl way.
by MerKasKatie June 23, 2005
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A handy (hand job) from a friend
I was painting the outside of my house when my neighbor came by and asked if I wanted a friendy.
by bambi the goalie July 27, 2015
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Celestial body only exclipsed by Sutty
by pieman April 9, 2003
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Can be considered greater than Invidious when being used in the same line.
Friendy > Invidious
by Anonymous April 9, 2003
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Person of gargantuan proportions, Person with more than 2(00) uncles.
Friendy ate some pies
by Anonymous April 9, 2003
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Fandom of the wonderful, talented, beautiful Luke Friend. Friendies are the nicest people you will ever speak to and are always willing to help someone out. They will always be ready to fangirl with other friendies
Luke Friend: *uploads pic*
Friendie 1: Did you see his new pic omgg!!???
Friendie 2: YES omfg DEAD ASDGHJKL
by radfriendie December 21, 2013
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A picture taken with another person or a group of people. One of the people in the picture is the one taking the picture.

Opposite of a selfie. Proves you do have friends.

You can see the person taking the picture, outstretched arm or they may appare closer to the camera.
Tom: Hey everyone let's do a friendie!!
by lcdwhittxo March 23, 2014
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