To be garbage; less than human but a little better than human feces
Wow did you see Eric playing squash today? He's garbage.
by Nixon__ May 1, 2006
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Meaning that you/it is HORRIBLE!
Man...that nigga is garbage
by TAD October 6, 2004
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Card game consisting of putting seven cards face down, then replacing the down-face cards with Ace-Seven (using cards from the deck) If one of the down cards you replace is a card you need, you can use it.
by Trigger January 23, 2005
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Slang - A shortening of garbage bag (usually referring to the large black garbage bags)
I need another garbag for the bin.
Anyone got a garbag I can throw all these things in for the trip home?
by baggins1 January 28, 2012
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