A cheap soda sold in parts of the U.S.
Often sprayed on fans at Insane Clown Posse concerts
dubbed "wicked elixer" by Gamzee Makara
The official soft drink of Juggalos and Homestucks
Often sprayed on fans at Insane Clown Posse concerts
dubbed "wicked elixer" by Gamzee Makara
The official soft drink of Juggalos and Homestucks
Dude1: What the hell happened to you?
Dude2: I got soaked with Faygo
Dude1: How many times do I need to tell you not to go to Insane Clown Posse concerts?
Gamzee: Yo, mOtHeRfUcKeR, SlAm a fAyGo
Dude2: I got soaked with Faygo
Dude1: How many times do I need to tell you not to go to Insane Clown Posse concerts?
Gamzee: Yo, mOtHeRfUcKeR, SlAm a fAyGo
by WaSsUpMoThErFuCkEr February 22, 2013
A delicious carbonated beverage that, despite its discount price, gets a bad rap due to its popularization by the Juggalo scourge.
Man, this sucks. I really like grape Faygo, but I can't even look at the stuff in the supermarket without somebody asking me if I'm 'down wif da clown'.
by Herpedsohardyouderp April 14, 2011
A cheap soda manufactured in Detroit, MI. Made popular by the "Insane Clown Posse" who rap about, having grown up in a suburb of Deroit.
by Heavy Fresh October 6, 2004
Cheap soda that Insane clown Posse fans spray on each others clits and nipples. It's a manifestation of these rediculous idiots latent homosexuality.
by truth fan June 15, 2009
by xXtheguy52Xx November 19, 2014
by fkjjijaewklfjeiowfjksl January 17, 2008
The original party pop. Is falsely rumored to be clown urine. It is actually a mixture of the blood of indonesian virgins and well blended cat diarrhea. Scientific research has shown that it has probably been around since the beginning of time. It is most likely the only thing that will ever achieve world peace.
by gthearab July 25, 2011