A white, british male known for their good humour, they are renowned for their God like qualities and extreme randomness.
He must be a Farley
by Falamalamalam18 January 26, 2011
Slang for an erect penis.
by DaddyFliffus February 26, 2016
by OVC big Johnson November 19, 2019
by cp6694 May 31, 2011
Function: verb
Inflected Forms: farleyed; farleying
Etymology: Modern English roots, named after the infamous social leech Patrick Farley.
1. a) To beg for or steal cigarettes. b) To cop a jack.
2. To attempt to pick up girls by begging for cigarettes.
3. To be a thieving douchebag.
Inflected Forms: farleyed; farleying
Etymology: Modern English roots, named after the infamous social leech Patrick Farley.
1. a) To beg for or steal cigarettes. b) To cop a jack.
2. To attempt to pick up girls by begging for cigarettes.
3. To be a thieving douchebag.
1. Hey man, can I farley a cigarette?
2. Hold up, I'm going to go farley those ugly girls.
3. Man, you farleyed the shit out of his smokes.
2. Hold up, I'm going to go farley those ugly girls.
3. Man, you farleyed the shit out of his smokes.
by Patrick Farley January 18, 2006
by Fes June 3, 2006
by Adalia May 7, 2018