Fat Over the Pubic Area.
Nathalie's FOPA was so bad it took me 2 hours to find her vag.

Matt's FOPA is so bad he hasn't seen his cock in 4 years.
by Mike22 February 8, 2007
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when a woman has a pair of pants or jeans on that show that poofy area that'a between the belly button and the pussy area....OMG look at the FOPA on that woman!!! someone please tell her to NEVER tuck her shirt in her pants ever ever again!
by HereButNotHere June 9, 2009
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Dude, her FOPA is so large i cant she her vag!
by Jason Cole May 4, 2005
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Fat over the penile (or pussy)area
Chris Farley had a lot of FOPA

I can't see my unit under this FOPA
by TK March 23, 2004
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The acronym for the Fraternal Order of Police Association.
Mom I am going down to the FOPA shooting range to shoot my new rifle.
by WestpointMAG April 10, 2008
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Fat over pubic area...
Zack's fopa is Sooo big, he can't cant even see his vagina anymore.
by LkyV September 4, 2013
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When a woman is so fat that the fat from her legs makes it look like her pussy is hanging out of her shorts. Also known as beef curtains.
When I saw her fopa I wanted to puke and put soap in my eyes.
by liftingbody May 10, 2006
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