
Emir is the guy that wants to do well in everything.He excels at swimming and loves to crack jokes.However he can make someone feel extremely sad/happy.He wants everyone to do well even if it means to be harsh but inside he truly loves you.You can use emir in a sentence when you are concealing emotions.
I'm an Emir right now.
by TSB July 1, 2019
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A Turkish Male with a fairly plus size penis
Holy shit that man is like Emir. His dingiling is as long as a baseball bat.
by 37282dollasign March 14, 2017
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the best fucking person in the world. You cant ask for a better answer.
Wow i wish Emir was my friend!
by QGTM_25 October 21, 2019
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Emir is a name that mostly Bosnian males have. The like to joke around. Guys like this are amazing, smart, creative and talented. They will show you love and if your dad is called that...he may be a little cringy. Don’t get mad though as they mean it with love. Don’t mess with them or they family because they will find you and beat your ass.
Dude 1: Dude I just flirted with Emirs wife...
Dude 2: You better run right now.
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A cool guy. He really likes to skate, play his ps3, and hang with friends. Mainly girls. But every now and then has time for guy friends. Lol. Oh yeah. Helikes texting and music a whole lot too.
Dayuuum homie! Dat be Emir of Arrow Skate team!
by EmirrrBiznitch May 20, 2008
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Emir is absolutely not a loyal guy but handsome babe. Ohh babe babe I love you!!
by Ütopik February 2, 2018
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Guys who have naturaly large ears
His ears are sooo emir
Damn her ear is emir-ish
by OmegaNigga August 7, 2018
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